What Happens After a DUI Arrest in Adams County?

If you’re arrested for DUI in Adams County, including in Gettysburg, Biglerville, York Springs, or East Berlin, it’s important to understand what happens next and how to pick the right attorney to defend your case. Here’s a guide to what happens after a DUI arrest in Adams County and 5 tips for picking the right attorney:

  1. Arraignment: if you are not involved in a felony DUI, and you live within the state, you will be released without need to see a judge or be preliminarily arraigned. If you live out of state, after your DUI arrest, you will be arraigned in front of a judge. This is where you will hear the charges against you, and you will be given the opportunity to post bail, if required.
  2. Pretrial: During the pretrial phase, your attorney and the prosecutor will negotiate a plea bargain or prepare for trial. This is also when your attorney may file motions to dismiss evidence or suppress statements.
  3. Trial: If your case goes to trial, you will have the opportunity to test the evidence against you. The jury or the judge will decide whether you’re guilty or not guilty.
  4. Sentencing: If you’re found guilty, you will be sentenced by a judge. The sentence may include fines, probation, community service, or incarceration.
  5. License Suspension: If you’re convicted of DUI in Adams County, your driver’s license may be suspended or revoked.

When picking an attorney to defend your DUI case, here are 5 tips to keep in mind:

  1. Look for Experience: Choose an attorney who has experience defending DUI cases in Adams County and is familiar with the local court system. It doesn’t and probably shouldn’t be the local guy as the local guy with the local ties might have numerous conflicts of interest. You need an outsider hired gun whose only allegiance is to you.
  2. Check for Credentials: Choose an attorney who is licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and has a good reputation within the legal community. See how much training they have. Most attorneys have shockingly little or no NATIONAL DUI or advanced training. Going to the once a year cheap seminar doesn’t cut it. More in this area is always better.
  3. Assess Communication Skills: Choose an attorney who communicates clearly and effectively with you and keeps you informed throughout the process. Someone who has a live receptionist pick up the phone every single time 24 hours per day. Someone who has a paralegal who is there in the office and is always available to answer your questions and doesn’t have a shared paralegal who is overworked and overwhelmed and won’t know you from Adam.
  4. Evaluate Legal Strategy: Choose an attorney who has a strong defense strategy and is committed to fighting for your rights and your freedom. Someone who says “we will see how it plays out” or doesn’t have a specific, cogent and detailed plan after first talking with you is a wannabe and not a skilled DUI defender in Adams County.
  5. Consider Accessibility: Choose an attorney who is available to answer your questions and provide guidance when you need it. Do they pledge to return phone calls? Can you text them? Do they give you their email? Do they return your phone calls? Do they email you back? Do they text you back?

At The McShane Firm, we meet all 5 of these tips for picking the right attorney. Our team of experienced DUI defense attorneys is well-versed in defending clients in Adams County and throughout Pennsylvania. We are licensed to practice law in the state and have a proven track record of success in defending DUI cases.

We pride ourselves on our communication skills and make ourselves accessible to our clients throughout the process. Our legal strategy is tailored to each client’s unique situation, and we work tirelessly to build a strong defense strategy that protects your rights and your freedom.
If you’re facing DUI charges in Adams County, don’t wait to get the legal help you need. Contact The McShane Firm today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced DUI defense attorneys. We are here to help you understand the process and defend your case.

Our Clients are entitled to a Bill of Rights which states:

  • Our clients have the right to expect, we will be proactive in communication. You will hear it from us first. We will return all phone calls, texts and emails promptly.
  • Our clients have the right to expect plain speaking, straight shooting. No B. S.
  • Our clients have the right to expect us to do it right the first time, every time.
  • Our clients have the right to expect us to be on time and professionally prepared for all court appearances, and all meetings.
  • Our clients have the right to expect that they will be fully informed at all times.

This is our promise to you. Call today to get us on your side: (717) 657-3900.

PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane is the President/CEO of The McShane Firm, LLC - Pennsylvania's top criminal law and DUI law firm. He is the highest rated DUI attorney in PA as rated by Avvo.com. Justin McShane is a double Board certified attorney. He is the first and so far the only Pennsylvania attorney to achieve American Bar Association recognized board certification in DUI defense from the National College for DUI Defense, Inc. He is also a Board Certified Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Approved Agency.